Doctors are still silenced for speaking out about the Covid-19 response in New Zealand.
Days Silenced


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Doctors are still silenced from speaking out with science in New Zealand

Knowledge is Power

Help us wake up fellow Kiwis to the medical injustice that continues in our country!

Together let’s rebuild trust in medicine using science and ethics

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Doctors You Can Trust

These doctors are unmasking the truth and standing between you and mandates. Because if we don’t push back, freedoms will continue to erode.

During Covid, 26 NZ doctors were investigated for advocating ethical medical practices.

Out of 19,000+ doctors in New Zealand, 26 were targeted and put under investigation because they bravely advocated for ethical medical practices during the Covid pandemic. 

And they continue to be restrained by the Medical Council of New Zealand–a system now exposing itself for abusing their power, willfully ignoring checks and balances, distributing conflicting information and burying justification for its decisions in layers of secrecy.  

What we have all endured is appalling in a so-called democracy. These doctors have championed for patient rights, informed consent, and early treatment. Yet they’ve:

  • been slapped with threats, suspensions, and re-education 
  • been prohibited from speaking publicly to uphold the Hippocratic Oath
  • suffered the injustice of restrictive conditions applied to their practising certificate

They’ve been threatened, suspended, and silenced. All for daring to speak out with science that can be questioned, defended, and without conflicts of interest.

In this short sharable series, we’re bringing you their shocking first-hand discoveries alarming for a democratic country:

  • a private, globally-influential governing body so clandestine that even the Official Information Act will not divulge its details (and most doctors don’t even know about)
  • doctors’ names added to a “blacklist” that follows them into perpetuity (another private entity created & manages that list)
  • how the government paid $50 million to the media in exchange for towing the party line (and if they didn’t it had to be repaid)
  • how NZ today mirrors Russia and South Africa in the 90s

And you can see below, these doctors continue to be ostracised. They aren’t merely fighting for their credentials. They’re rallying against incentivised medical coercion that’s untrue and highly biased.


Dr. Alison is getting her day in court!

Update June 27. 2023

She’s facing the Medical Council to appeal the extreme disciplinary actions she encountered and needs your support. 

Show up June 28, 2023, around 9:30 am at the front steps of Wellington District Court at 49 Ballance Street, Wellington Central.

Bring your placards and make it known that you support her speaking out for all New Zealanders.

Read the media advisory

Look how long the doctors have been standing up for you and medical sovereignty in NZ

days unfairly investigated
Dr. Bruce Dooley

Dr. Bruce Dooley, MD

Accused of spreading misinformation.

Dr. Dooley has been aware of devious back-channels in the medical industry for decades. Through curiosity and diligence he has traced secret regulators that are pulling the puppet strings on doctors worldwide.

days silenced

Dr. Elena Bishop, MD

Accused of spreading fear with her words. 

Dr. Bishop spoke publicly about informed consent and free choice. For that she suffered professional backlash, unforgettable personal trauma, and heard echoes of Nuremberg.

days silenced

Dr. Cindy de Villiers, GP

Accused of sharing inaccurate information. 

Dr. de Villiers immediately recognized the fear agenda and spoke out early. See what she says about the awakening that’s now shifting the tide.

days silenced

Dr. Alison Goodwin, GP

Accused of endangering the public with her words and bringing disrepute upon the profession.

Dr. Goodwin’s three core principles were being assaulted during the pandemic.She has a new story to add to the conversation around Covid, and inspiring words for taking charge of yourself.

days silenced

Dr. Peter Canaday, MD

Accused of providing misinformation, disparaging fellow physicians, and bringing disrepute upon the profession.

Dr. Canaday was one of the first NZ doctors to be suspended and sent to tribunal after speaking on how treatment did not follow epidemiology or medial ethics.

days silenced

Dr. Rene de Monchy, MD

Accused of spreading misinformation, then mandated out of a job.

Dr. de Monchy has a psychological and spiritual take on the situation and exposes incentivized medicine.

Many Kiwis still don’t grasp what’s going on, and we need your help. 

The disinformation isn’t coming from the doctors.
It’s coming from the government and the medical council.


“For evil to prosper all it takes is for good people to do nothing.”

~NZDSOS supporter

Take Action

Please share this page in your network and social media with the hashtag #stopthesilenceto show your support our doctors as they continue to fight for your freedom of choice. 

Revisit often as we’re releasing a new video every 48 hours featuring the story behind one of these brave doctors because you should know the treachery behind what they’ve been put through. 

Start now, send a Tweet or make a post on your favourite social media network using the hashtag #Stop TheSilence. 

#StopTheSilence #NZDSOS

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Did you know there’s a private entity influencing the MCNZ? The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and its international arm international arm is secretive about its donors, too (likely primarily from the pharmaceutical industry). This short video will #StopTheSilence

If there were early treatments, the vaccine mandate couldn’t have been pushed through. Now it makes sense why doctors were deterred from prescribing ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and vitamin D. #StopTheSilence

Here’s a bite-sized summary of what NZDSOS have done for New Zealanders during Covid. Absolutely worth two minutes out of your day. #StopTheSilence

If doctors can no longer discuss the scientific evidence or share their opinions and instead can only follow a script or algorithm they’re given, where does this all end? Could the medical profession be taken over by AI? #stopthesilence @NZDSOS

“Before, we didn’t know we were controlled. Now we do. Now we can do something about it!” #stopthesilence @NZDSOS

I just watched this video and I’m surprised what these NZ doctors have had to tolerate! #stopthesilence @NZDSOS

Take 2 minutes and watch this. You’ll be shocked that this is going on in our “democratic” country. #stopthesilence @NZDSOS

Let’s have a conversation about this video. In 2 min I learned what’s really going on behind the scenes of the medical system in NZ. #stopthesilence @NZDSOS

There’s more behind the vaccinations and mandates than the mainstream is letting on. Grateful for our NZ doctors sharing their stories. #stopthesilence

Tweets about #StopTheSilence


War and Freedom: Dr. Rene de Monchy’s Perspective on Covid  nzdsos.com/2023/07/05/war… via @nzdsos

RT @WWDA_AU: Domestic/family/gender-based #violence has resulted in the deaths of twenty-nine women this year (so far).

But at least the A…

Thank you @HopeRising19
That was an interesting read.

#nzpol #truth #OIA #StopTheSilence #freedom #FreedomOfSpeech #standup #SpeakUp #mRNA #covid https://t.co/Wx5GkrcDtE


The past 3 years in #nz the population has been terrified, terrorised, confused and mislead.

Those we looked to for leadership have at best failed to convey accurate information relating to the risk of #covid and the risk… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

RT @TruthbetoldNz: Rory lost his life, at 26. This was preventable. @jacindaardern and @AshBloomfield you did this to NZ. This is why I scr…

Become a Monthly Supporter

Your support helps the NZDSOS bring awareness to the alarming fact that censorship is still happening in New Zealand. Your monthly donation is a convenient and cost-effective way to ensure that we can continue to push back regulator overreach and stay vigilant that your rights aren’t slowly eroded. We greatly appreciate your support!
“We are truly thankful for you, the few self-sacrificing courageous medics who are upholding and advocating for freedom, inherent to human value & integrity. We’ve come to realise what a blessed lifestyle we Kiwis have taken for granted.”
“Huge respect to NZDSOS. Thanks to all those health professionals who are risking their livelihoods and careers to expose the truth about the vaccines and covid narrative 🙏 hopefully my donation will help protect our freedoms and the freedoms of our Tamariki”
“Huge ‘thank you’ to all at NZDSOS… for stepping in where others have failed us…. and looking out for the health and well-being of all who reside in this beautiful country. 💛🙏”
“Thankyou for standing up to our rights. I am proud to be a kiwi and to have people like you speaking out for the ones that can’t or are even unaware of what they are throwing away by just obeying the government. Thank you, keep it up.”
“A small token of our appreciation for the work you are doing and the stand you have made against this tyrannical government”
“Fantastic video and great work you are doing.”
“God bless you all for having the conviction and courage to take a stand and speak out ……. ‘and the truth will set you free’
“Happy to support as you’re doing a fantastic job of helping save people’s lives and holding the government accountable.”
“I am in awe of you guys, your courage, commitment and doing the right thing by the people of NZ Aotearoa. A silver lining in what has been an awful time in our history, taking this devastating experience and making something really valuable and good out of it”
“So proud and supportive of all the courageous medical professionals in NZDSOS who are standing up for kiwis. Please keep ramping up the lobbying.”
“So proud of the fight that is going on at the moment all around the country and that so many more kiwis are finally waking up.”
“Thank you for taking a stand to protect our personal choices. We know it has come with huge personal costs and as I am so grateful I am giving you my biggest monthly donation. It has cost us in so many ways, the lies and manipulation have to stop!”


We’re the only doctors in New Zealand standing against the COVID mandates and demanding change from the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ).

We’re honoured to cooperate with doctors, dentists, pharmacists, and veterinarians across New Zealand and internationally because once the truth comes out we need to be distinguishable as different from the old corrupt establishment. We support life, personal choice, and medical freedom. Are you with us?