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The International Health Regulations and Pandemic Treaty: Kirsten Murfitt’s open letter to the New Zealand parliament.

WHO Treaty Opposition Letter FI
Photo Credit – © Canva Pro Content License

An increasing number of New Zealanders are concerned, and many blissfully unaware, that the World Health Organization (WHO) is designing the architecture for a singular controlling authority for global health which now includes climate change and environmental health surveillance which is part of the International Health Regulations and Pandemic Preparedness Treaty.

The WHO is currently engaged in two parallel law-making processes, the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and the new Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Accord (i.e. Pandemic Treaty).

If adopted, New Zealand’s independent decision-making powers over health policy will be transferred and vested in an unelected and unaccountable body in Geneva that may lack knowledge or concern for the local circumstances.

Likewise, the provisions of these legal instruments will be integrated into domestic law.

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  1. So what about the “deliberate” failure to provide informed consent. For an experimental, emergency use only, alleged treatment that Pfizer did not provide details of its contents they claimed to be “safe and effective”. While the State of Texas is now sueing Pfizer to the tune of $200+ billion, for extreme damage by deliberate medical fraud with an “unsafe and ineffective” concoction that New Zealand had some 119 “experimental” variations of, with a 30% death rate in Invercargille thanks to Queens Park Medical Centre.

  2. how can there be long covid when there was never any covid in the first place – it was a fear scam from the very beginning to see how controllable the nation/world could be but most people have woken up to it now so no matter what they want to throw at us again, we will not believe it

  3. Hi NZ Doctors SOS Team,
    I love receiving your emails with very thought provoking and learning articles.
    Only comment I like to make is some of the articles are very long and are like a lecture in a classroom.
    I feel it would be nice to have shorter articles and in layman language just simple explanations that would help in one’s every day life.
    Just an observation….I like shorter to the point articles and easy to read in layman’s language.
    In kindness Yolanda

  4. That’s disgusting. Who ever thought this was a good idea. The WHO has not done anything of consequence since it’s inception and should be dismantled

  5. Forwarded on to the NZ Loyal Party, and NZ First / Winston Peters, with the latter being asked / told to block such outside draconian legislation.

  6. And to be rest assured, the gene-thereapy (so called Covid Jab) is proven to thicken blood so you dont bleed until you get you blood cleaned out – thats what happened to me – I woke up after a 10mm gash across the back of my wrist, one dribble of blood like a rain drop and set absolutely abnormal….

    Not to state the rest of the symptoms, 3 months terrible arrythmias on the point of fibrillation, high blood pressure ready to rupture my aorta, visible blood clots that took a year to disappear, skin problems never i’ve never had previous, tinnitus I never had until the jab…..

    Pharmaceutical drugs only exaggerated the problems so they all went in the rubbish after a week.

    Only natural healing medication helped and did wonders.

    A live blood sample two years later still shows the toxic graphene oxide spikes and diamonds, and what appeared also to be layered nanotechnology.

    That was all after one coerced jab and never any more….

    Fortunately I was on vitamin E (a natural blood thinner) at the time which obviously saved my life by preventing the full effect of a heart attack although it was myocarditis as well

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