
The Convenient Case of Disappearing Requirements for Informed Consent

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​We have discovered some tricks the government used to remove the legal requirement for informed consent. But not the moral one, of course.

Prior to Covid-19, a person authorised to administer a vaccine in an approved immunisation programme needed to fulfil certain criteria and have certain skills as per section 44 A of the Medicine Regulations 1984

These are below:


(a) can carry out basic emergency techniques including resuscitation and the treatment of anaphylaxis; and

(b) has knowledge of the safe and effective handling of immunisation products and equipment; and

(c) can demonstrate clinical interpersonal skills; and

(d) has knowledge of the relevant diseases and vaccines in order to be able to explain the vaccination to the patient, or to the parent or guardian of the patient who is to consent to the vaccination on behalf of the patient, to ensure that the patient or the parent or guardian of the patient can give informed consent to the vaccination.

In May 2021 a new section – Section 44 AB – was inserted into the legislation and this was titled “Authorisation of COVID-19 vaccinators”.  The law applying to these new vaccinators was different. 

The new covid vaccinators did not have to demonstrate ‘clinical interpersonal skills’ or ‘have knowledge of the relevant diseases and vaccines‘. 

They didn’t have to be able to explain the risks, benefits, uncertainties and alternatives as required as part of informed consent. 

They just had to be competent in basic emergency techniques including resuscitation and treatment of anaphylaxis and know how to handle immunisation products.


(i) the person can carry out basic emergency techniques, including resuscitation and the treatment of anaphylaxis; and

(ii) the person has knowledge of the safe and effective handling of immunisation products and equipment.

In May 2022 a further new section was added – Section 44 AA – titled “Alternative authorisation of vaccinators”.  Once again, under this section, a person authorised to administer a variety of vaccinations doesn’t have to know anything about the risks and benefits of the contents of the vial.  They just have to be able to poke a needle in someone’s arm and inject whatever is in the syringe.

In theory these new types of ‘vaccinators’ are working under the supervision of someone who does have the required knowledge and ethical foundation to be able to provide proper informed consent, but in reality, how would you know unless you interrogated them.

So, it seems that the government removed the lawful requirement for informed consent, just at a time when it had never mattered more.  New Zealanders need to be asking lots of questions and demanding an explanation. We suspect most of the 26,440 who upped sleeves last week for their 5th dose (this time the latest “bivalent booster” – the one supposed to protect against variants long departed and being especially pushed onto the pregnant) did not ask much, preferring just to trust. 

“It’s just an apple”, said the snake. 

Total Vaccinations in NZ to 12 May 2023:

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  1. Thank you so much for having the courage of your convictions and for standing against overwhelming odds.

  2. Every morning I wake up asking WHY do we all empower a 2 party system that is obviously destroying our well being.
    Have the masses been hypnotized by main stream media like TV, Radio, News papers, the internet.
    Is it in our food?
    Is it in our water?
    Is it in other injectable material like dentist anesthesia and insulin.
    Why on earth are New Zealanders empowering what is destroying them.
    I am at a loss as to the mentality of this country and how obvious all around us this evil genocide is.
    Why are we being heavily censored from the truth.
    Only 20 % of us are awake and aware of this. If the other 80% don’t WAKE UP! then they will be putting all of us at risk and empower the satanic agenda further

    1. Scientist around the world are developing Mrna vaccinations to inject into cows, China has been developing mrna COVID vax to add to milk products
      Goodie Epoch times so much information on there that we are not hearing in NZ

  3. Every morning I wake up asking WHY do we all empower a 2 party system that is obviously destroying our well being.
    Have the masses been hypnotized by main stream media like TV, Radio, News papers, the internet.
    Is it in our food?
    Is it in our water?
    Is it in other injectable material like dentist anesthesia and insulin.
    Why on earth are New Zealanders empowering what is destroying them.
    I am at a loss as to the mentality of this country and how obvious all around us this evil genocide is.
    Why are we being heavily censored from the truth.
    Only 20 % of us are awake and aware of this. If the other 80% don’t WAKE UP! then they will be putting all of us at risk and empower the satanic agenda further

  4. Should consent actually have been required, it was impossible to provide as it was always an illusory hand-waving process given the absence of experimental controls, modelled “effectiveness” and the established unpredictable, unsafe and ineffective outcomes of being Pfizer injected, not to mention the equally well established concealment of the risk of vaccine associated enhanced disease, endemic in New Zealand, given that much of the population was in receipt of shots when the omicron strain of clinical irrelevance became the name of the game.

    Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease. Timothy Cardozo, Ronald Veazey. Int J Clin Pract. 2021;75:e13795.

  5. Interesting, my son cut his hand with a chisel earlier this year and was given tetanus booster, nothing mentioned about diphtheria or pertussis being included in it.

  6. As an nurse (ex) we had to undergo specific training to give injections, but were never allowed to unless in emergency situations, then vaccine injections were only given by qualified personal like the nursing sisters. Today, junior nurses, trainees, first aid staff where giving mass vaccine injections to the public who weren’t sick. Just how many presented clumsy unqualified attempts to give the ‘ c’ shot, all in the name of public safety. Not so sure about the ‘safety’ bit.

  7. Looking at the above table, there must be something in these shots which programs people to come back for another one. What other explanation could there possibly be?

  8. This government is really ‘throwing us under the bus’ destroying all that is tried and true and the building blocks of a fair and reasonable society – all in the name of bowing the knee to WHO.

  9. When I qualified in nursing, the standards were so high, recent times the health checkers standards, knowledge, requirements appear to be so low, including a recent discussion with parliamentary staff. Ability to finger a keyboard yes, depth of knowledge no. All following an overseas, questionable agenda?

  10. They did it because they wanted to get as many people as possible to get vaccinated – it was a workaround so that ‘trusted’ community members (e.g. Pacific and Maori) would be able to support by being vaccinators as some communities were known to be hard to reach. They knew they would find it hard to reach their targets otherwise of getting 90%+ of the population vaxxed. It also was a way of getting people into this workforce that otherwise wouldn’t be able to. I don’t necessarily agree with it – I would prefer to have someone who can (and is required to) explain the costs and benefits of taking any medication to me, including a vaccine, if I were (uninformed enough to be) considering taking it. Not sure how it works in practice, whether they are sufficiently supervised by someone who is required to explain those things, or if it is basically like an order shop – ‘give me a shot’, then you get what you asked for, end of discussion…

  11. We desperately need an honest and intelligent politician brave enough to stand up and challenge this subterfuge.

  12. Yes the basic humans rights we all have as sovereign free individuals has been completely trampled on in the most egregious way. To say our country has become a tyrannical communist entity is an understatement. Fuck the government and their evil intentions!!

  13. So I can’t do the maths. What’s the total % of NZ population that have had 1 & 2 doses – not the 95% the govt is touting I bet?

  14. Most of the sheeple don’t ever get informed of this tyrany. Keep trying to spread the word. Thank you

  15. Those who have voted for & pushed the covid vax & boosters need to be held to account.

  16. Wow! Thanks for that bit of sleuthing. That piece of legislation is absolutely repugnant.

  17. Your problem is that you rely on the Godless NZ Bill of rights Act 1990, by which Parliament purports to be able to override our God given unalienable birth rights such as freedom of choice that God gave to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, which is the real history of the world, not the big bang and evolution, which the James Webb telescope has disproven in the last year. Jesus commanded his apostles to “go to the lost tribes of Israel” one of which was in England, the tribe of Ephriam, Jewish kings of which took the gospel, or the good news of the coming Kingdom of God to heart and it became our common law, such as through Alfred the Great. So our God given birth rights cannot be taken away from us by Parliament as it didn’t give them to us: a higher power did. Thanking you, a cardiac patient of yours, amongst other things.

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