Position Statement on Early Treatment of Covid-19

Position Statement
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NZDSOS calls for an immediate authorization of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for the prevention and early treatment of Covid-19.

A. Early Treatment

NZDSOS supports the efforts and courage of physicians across the globe who, in the face of significant opposition, developed successful early treatment protocols for Covid-19, including Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Tess Lawrie. These early treatment protocols combined easily available repurposed drugs and nutraceuticals to target specific disease phases in the course of Covid-19. Furthermore, it has been estimated that for the vast majority of patients who contract Covid-19, treatment at home is successful, freeing up hospital resources.

B. Hydroxychloroquine

It has been estimated that had Hydroxychloroquine been made available early in the Sars-CoV-2 outbreak 80 000 to 100 000 lives in the US could have been saved in the first year of the outbreak. Hydroxychloroquine is particularly effective when given early in the disease, preventing deaths and hospitalization.

C. Ivermectin

Ivermectin had been known to be effective against a number of viruses including corona viruses. It is now well-established as a safe, low-cost treatment for Covid-19, preventing contraction of Covid-19 in healthcare workers and deaths when started early in the treatment of Covid-19. Furthermore, there is substantial evidence of its safety.

D. Nutraceuticals and herbals

It is troubling, that at the start of the Covid-19 outbreak, Artemisia annua (Sweet Wormwood), a genuinely safe and effective anti-viral treatment, was suddenly classified by Medsafe as a prescription-only medication, making it inaccessible, not only to medical herbalists, who are well versed in its usage, but also to doctors due to this intervention not being supplied by pharmaceutical suppliers.
Nutraceuticals at effective doses including Vitamin D and zinc, have long been restricted and their use in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 have been ignored with new restrictions placed on N-acetyl cysteine, a well-known anti-oxidant.
Intravenous Vitamin C has a long history of safety and efficacy in the treatment of respiratory infections and is part of certain sepsis protocols, showing promise in the in-hospital treatment of Covid-19.

E. Declaration

NZDSOS declares that failure to authorize and make accessible the pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals mentioned above is paramount to medical misadventure and indeed, homicide. We call for the immediate authorization of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D, N-acetyl-cysteine, Zinc and Intravenous Vitamin C in the treatment of Covid-19.
The New Zealand Ministry of Health’s failure to research early treatment, preferring to rely on harmful measures such as lock-downs, masks and social distancing is a crime against humanity.
Furthermore, the narrative of the Covid-19 injections as the only measure of protection against Covid-19, ignoring all underlying preventable and treatable health conditions and in fact adding to these conditions with fast-food vouchers, equates to medical negligence.

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