A Humanitarian Crisis Contrived

Humanitarian Crisis
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Are Doctors and/or Industry Behind an Evolving Humanitarian Crisis?

We shine a spotlight on appeals to authorities from across the world, requesting an acknowledgment and end to this humanitarian crisis.

In short, the evidence presented over and over against the ‘safe and effective vaccine’ narrative is overwhelming; masks and lockdowns have been catastrophic; this can only be about profit and control; and even if the rollout is stopped immediately the consequences into the future will be already a disastrous blight on humanity for generations.

In his two minute Daily Dose: Humanitarian Crisis on 25 October, the affable Dr Peterson Pierre of America’s Frontline Doctors discussed NZDSOS’ open letter of 2 June 2022 to the Commissioner of Police, Andrew Coster, requesting an urgent investigation into harms and deaths of New Zealanders following Covid-19 vaccination. See Deaths Following Covid-19 Vaccination for detail. For a full list of our open letters to various authorities over the past two years, which have been largely ignored or inadequately answered, see this link.

Other Appeals for a Response to this Humanitarian Crisis

An appeal to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in Amsterdam was made by Doctors 4 Covid Ethics in February 2021. They expressed a need for urgent attention to numerous media reports of a potential humanitarian crisis in care homes struck by COVID-19 within days of vaccination of residents. They regarded the approval of these substances to be premature and reckless given the multiple safety issues which they detailed. The EMA responded with what Doctors 4 Covid Ethics described as a “regrettably unconvincing and unacceptable reply”, before publishing a press release accusing the EMA of “Downplaying Covid-19 Vaccine Dangers“.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote an open letter to the Holy See on 18 October 2022 requesting that the Catholic Church urgently reconsider their role in encouraging vaccination. He outlines a range of humanitarian concerns and states:

Health services across western nations continue to implement face mask regulations on healthy people as an infection control measure despite the evidence of their ineffectiveness. Engineer, industrial hygienist and exposure control expert Stephen Petty explains mask mechanisms here; and epidemiologist Dr Paul Alexander has written a comprehensive systematic review of evidence for mask ineffectiveness and harms.

Citing gold standard randomised control trials, over 2,000 health professionals wrote an open letter to NHS Chief Executives across the United Kingdom, detailing the ineffectiveness of face masks for viral control, and their potential to cause physical, social and psychological harms. Will Jones reports on the story at NHS England Admits its Hospital Mask Mandate is Based on Modelling That Simply Assumes They Work.

The use of face masks as a tool to exert power and control clearly appeals to some, providing a visible symbol to identify the servile class. This poses a very real risk of exacerbating the humanitarian crisis evolving out of the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly to the world’s most vulnerable.

Humanitarian Crisis

We reported in Evidence of Dishonest Claims About C-19 Vaccines and Reproductive Health as Alarming Safety Signals Emerge on 27 October 2022, concerning spikes in neonatal deaths in Scotland. These spikes were detailed by Dr John Campbell on 20 October, who reported from this article, with a visible and justified reaction of disbelief, that the expert panel claimed “… no “plausible” link between the unusually high levels of mortality among newborns in September last year and March this year to justify investigating maternal vaccination status.

The United Kingdom Medical Freedom Alliance published a letter dated 31 October 2022 to the Scottish expert group including their chair, retired neonatologist Dr Helen Mactier. They make a specific appeal “… that the possibility of Covid-19 vaccination having a causative effect is not dismissed a priori“, detailing the lack of safety data, mechanisms of potential harm, and safety signals appearing in the world’s biggest vaccine adverse events reporting systems.

A group of UK public health analysts have written an open letter to the ONS (Office of National Statistics) requesting a public withdrawal of the Deaths by Vaccination Status dataset. They show strong evidence of misclassifications leading to gross underestimation of the population proportion unvaccinated and nonsensical mortality rates and suggest the need for an investigation into how and why the ONS dataset is so flawed and corrupted.

An open letter to the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt was penned on 5 November 2022, by Justin Walker and Sir Julian Rose, researcher/activists of Hardwick Alliance for Real Ecology (HARE). Identifying that a contrived attempt to collapse the global economy seems imminent, they state that the British people face “a bleak future of mounting fear, debt, shortages and austerity” and demand that The long reign of the criminal central bankers and the unelected, unaccountable power-base that is the City of London must now be brought to an immediate and lasting end!

Rishi Sunak has known ties to the World Economic Forum and has promoted plans for central bank digital currencies. As Chancellor of the Exchequer in 2020 he was instrumental in devastating decisions including the UK lockdown furlough scheme, an early example of universal basic income. In contrast to the informative letter by HARE, a group of politicians and academics have also written to Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister, urging him to roll-in a universal basic income (UBI). Financial experts from a range of backgrounds are warning that UBI is another nail in the coffin that would result in centralised control of all spending and movement of individuals. Professor Richard Werner presented on this with clarity at the Doctors 4 Covid Ethics symposium in June 2022.

This range of open letters from across the world suggests that as visible symbols of a servant class continue to be promoted under the guise of “safety”, at the same time evidence mounts that populations, especially our youngest and most vulnerable, are less safe and less protected by our leaders than we have been in many decades.

We have every reason to believe that New Zealanders, experiencing the same lock step strategies, face the same humanitarian crisis evolving elsewhere, unless appropriate civil and political action is taken as a matter of urgency.

What Can We Do?

Not all of the solutions are health related, but we are aware that health services are being used by those in power to advance this humanitarian crisis. NZDSOS’ local alliances are all actively involved in finding and implementing solutions.

Global solutions can also be adapted to the local context. Dr William Makis offered a range of political solutions in his recent interview covered by us at More Dead Doctors in Canada’s Ongoing Covid-19 Tragedy. These include political commitment for the following actions. Not only do we need to be committed, but we need to increase the pressure on politicians and regulators, letting them know that they will be held personally responsible.

  • Removal of corporate interests and executives with corporate ties from health department influence;
  • Removal of political and industry affiliations from health department influence;
  • Inclusion of health care professionals on health department executive boards;
  • Accountability of health department executives to public facing committees including medical and health professionals as well as the general public;
  • Review of health department structures to reduce administrative costs and increase health care professionals offering services to the public;
  • Removal of corporate and political interests from health professional licensing authorities;
  • Accountability of health professional licensing authorities to the doctors they purport to regulate, as well as to a broad cross-section of the public;
  • Ensure doctors have the right to practice independently including diagnostic, prescription, treatment and referral processes that are not locked-in to industry or special interests.

Dr David Bell, in his recent presentation Using Global Health to Secure Inequality at the International Conference on Pandemic/Health, summarised realistic solutions for health professionals to put into practice.

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Hillsdale College: Ethical Principles of Public Health

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