
Medical Victories: Signs the MCNZ and Other Justice and Medical Bodies Around the World Are Quietly Conceding?

Medical Victories FI
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Quietly and trying not to make a  fuss or provide an explanation, it would appear that the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) and the Health and Disability Commission (HDC), are trying to make the injustices of the last three years disappear, hoping no one will notice and that the doctors that they have cancelled and pursued with threats of massive fines and suspension will be relieved enough to pretend it never happened.

However, the doctors that they did, and continue to, persecute know that this is not about their individual investigations.  It is about something much greater – the ethics of medicine, the professionalism of doctors, the rights of patients, the sovereignty of individuals and nations, and indeed the expression of what it is to be human.

So, while we take a few moments to celebrate small victories, the doctors at NZDSOS know in this war of good and evil, there are more battles to come.

Medical Victories – From New Zealand and Around the World

While some of the doctors mentioned here are still under investigation and under the threat of punishment including fines and “re-education”, some of the more serious actions taken by the authorities have been quietly dropped.

We also acknowledge those who are not mentioned here, who continue to stand up to medical tyranny; some have won, some have lost but most are still fighting. From Dr Sam White giving us hope and motivation back in Dec 2021, to Dr Paul Oosterhuis winning against the Australian Medical Board in the Supreme Court a year ago, we have stood on the shoulders of those went before us.

Dr Matt Shelton

After Dr Matt Shelton was exonerated in the District Court against the MCNZ, the HDC referred him to the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal (HPDT) on charges of misusing his practice text system to encourage due diligence by his patients. The HDC and MCNZ had vowed to work together to attack “disinfo doctors”.

However, the independent Director of Proceedings for the HPDT has simply said she has decided not to refer. Presumably she found no case to answer.

We say Dr Shelton acted with professionalism and ethics in texting patients on his books stating that, he could not advise that the covid injections were safe, particularly for children, pregnant women or those desiring future fertility in his medical opinion and that he could not remain silent. It is impossible to determine the number of injuries and possibly deaths around the country that Dr Shelton’s honest opinions and courageous action may have averted.

Dr Cindy de Villiers

After making a speech about the actions of doctors too scared to see patients who might be infectious, calling on people to come together and tweeting questions regarding the narrative of the covid response, Dr Cindy de Villiers was accused of unethical and unprofessional conduct.

She had draconian conditions placed on her practicing certificate that gagged her from saying anything directly to patients or privately on social media that did not comply with the national covid guidelines. As an appeal in the District Court was being prepared, these conditions were quietly dropped without explanation.

Other NZDSOS Doctors

A number of doctors in NZDSOS who were under investigation by the MCNZ, felt that they could no longer be part of a body that exhibited such blatant corruption, and so requested de-registration. Despite these doctors no longer practicing medicine, the MCNZ initially declined to remove them from the register, stating they were still under investigation and that the investigations would continue.

However, after common law truths were laid bare, the MCNZ quietly removed their names from the register, often without letting the doctors themselves know, thus avoiding further litigation that they were likely to lose. The cowardice of the actions by the MCNZ is in stark contrast to the courage of the doctors standing up for their convictions and medical ethics.

Dr Richard Eggleston

Dr Eggleston, a retired opthalmologist in Washington State was granted an emergency injunction against the Washington Medical Commission.  He is under investigation for unprofessional conduct, relating to articles questioning the official covid narrative that he published in a local newspaper.

It appears that Dr Eggleston’s case was influenced by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), a shadowy private body that appears to dictate, not only to the state medical boards in the US but also to medical boards across the world, including the MCNZ via international connections through IAMRA. The judge stated that the mere fact of prosecution could have a “chilling effect” on the exercise of free speech for Dr Eggleston.

Professor Dr Sucharit Bhakdi

Professor Bhakdi was alleged to have violated German law by downplaying the Holocaust, a crime punishable with up to five years in prison. Two sentences from an interview were taken out of context as the basis of this trumped-up charge, with lawyers admitting that they had failed to even listen to the interview in question. Prof Bhakdi was cleared of all charges.  His conclusions about the harms of the “vaccine” were not examined. Perhaps that would have been too embarrassing for the authorities.

We are reminded here of the political response to the disclosures of UK MP Andrew Bridgen by his own ruling party: accusing him of anti-semitism for even using the term holocaust, and then ejecting him. (Remember the UK is where the jabs are now avoided for everyone under 75? Why is NZ holding on?) We don’t doubt Mr Bridgen will be vindicated too.

Dr Flavio Cadegiani

Dr Flavio Cadegiani of Brazil, was acquitted of all charges by the State of the Amazonas relating to his research on the use of a repurposed medicine, proxalutamide, to treat covid 19. Amongst the charges laid against him, Dr Cadegiani was accused of not complying with the Code of Medical Ethics, that he was the head of a proxalutamide smuggling operation and that patients in the placebo arm of the study had been given poison.

Dr Flavio Cadegiani of Brazil, was acquitted of all charges by the State of the Amazonas relating to his research on the use of a repurposed medicine, proxalutamide, to treat covid 19. Amongst the charges laid against him, Dr Cadegiani was accused of not complying with the Code of Medical Ethics, that he was the head of a proxalutamide smuggling operation and that patients in the placebo arm of the study had been given poison.

It has been estimated that if the drug had been used in Brazil, 3326 deaths could have been avoided in a single day. The judges stated that the study had complied with all necessary technical and bureaucratic approvals and that “the extremely encouraging results presented by proxalutamide stand out, revealing statistically significant effects in reducing the lung damage caused by covid”. It has been revealed that one of the complainants to the medical board was sponsored by Pfizer.

Many more doctors, nurses, lawyers, academics and countless whistleblowers are facing investigation on charges of merely telling the truth. The cost to many of them is great but the cost of saying nothing would be much greater.  It is time that these individuals are exonerated and that the real culprits in the harms committed are brought to justice.

We Are Right

We suspect that authorities, including those on the MCNZ board, know we are right to question the covid response.  As the dominoes continue to fall, individuals are hiding behind their institutions. Hoping that they are not seen, nor called out; hoping that the doctors who had the courage of their convictions have had enough and just want to ​​​​​​​rebuild their tattered careers; hoping that the patients who were harmed will put all this behind them and gratefully get on with their lives.

There may be some who do. However, putting the covid response behind us without holding to account those who enabled the cancelling and the harm, or who looked the other way, will lead to a place of repeat, ongoing, or even greater tyranny.

While some doctors and lay people on the MCNZ board were just ‘doing their job’, and may have truly believed that by crushing any discussion on the covid response they were saving lives, their ‘good intentions’ are not enough. They remain responsible for the consequences of their actions and/or inactions.

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”  ~ Halle Selassie

At NZDSOS, we acknowledge those who stood up and spoke out, despite the consequences, and we challenge those who enabled this persecution to find the courage to face their actions and admit their wrongs – before it is too late.

We continue to stand and advocate for your ability to see and have medicine delivered by doctors with your best interests at heart, and without the influence of the government or pharmaceutical companies in the consultation room. 

Thank you for your continued support of us.

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  1. Thankyou for your ongoing efforts.
    It’s weird that us sensible people are apparently rare.

  2. The rating is not accurate . Try as I might , I could not get the 5 star rating .Unless I did something wrong ? Only one star was recorded . Sorry

  3. Im so Grateful for you all exposing the truth for the benefit of all humanity.
    All the Power to you.
    With deep appreciation

  4. I agree with the comments in this post that the MCNZ and HDC actions are unethical and should be made accountable for their harmful actions towards doctors speaking out their concerns against the mandated trial Covid 19 Gene Therapy, to protect their patients. Also these brave doctors, were trying to maintain ethics of medicine, the professionalism of doctors, the rights of patients, the sovereignty of individuals and nation.
    My friends and myself now have very little trust in the general medical profession due to the influence of politicians and biopharmaceutical companies, who are motivated by money, not the health and wellbeing of the population.

    1. And you’re quite right to no longer trust the medical profession. While govt & pharma (& who really knows who else) orchestrated this global outrage, aka genocide, the vast majority of doctors went along with it – willingly or otherwise. Don’t trust them. The profession has been destroyed (retired GP).

  5. Doing a awesome service to those persecuted for speaking the truth! We need more people like NZDSOS on earth during these evil times! Thanks for being courageous in amongst this spiritual that only the chosen can see!

  6. Thank you all for your dedication to the truth and to “do no harm”. You are unsung heros

  7. It is wonderful that some of these brave doctors who stood up for us how now got some semblance of normality back.

    I choose not to be vaccinated and refused the mandates from my employer and still consider my stance was right and proper.

    It is unconscionable that authorities are now trying to quietly back away from their draconian actions and expect no recriminations for their actions.

    Horary for NZDSOS and your stand I hope that true justice will be served, and the farce of the last few years will never be repeated.

    Did the coroner ever respond to the letters sent by NZDSOS? I believe the most pressing action is that NZ needs to understand why the excess deaths are occurring and this won’t happen unless the investigators are looking for the right root cause.

    It amazed me recently that the terrible fire in Wellington that claimed the lives of five people was on MSM nightly for over a week yet the 3000+ excess deaths in NZ is not mentioned.

    Keep up the good work 🙂

  8. I have not seen a doctor for several years. My test in the early days of COVID was if the Dr was willing to prescribe prophylactic HCQ. I know that the authorities were persecuting Drs who would use Ivermectin or HCQ both of which were proven to be effective. I really do not want a COVID vaccinated Dr as I have low opinion of anyone who was foolish enough to put that stuff in their body. Perhaps I will never go back to seeing doctors.

  9. It’s time to start a whole new medical group. Parallel to corrupt medics. Forget about registrations and all the associated legalised rubbish. People have had enough. I would never trust mainstream doctors again. My son has recently had 3 stokes in 3 weeks.

  10. Yes the govt are corrupt and completely gut less, this is the first time in my life that discussion on a topic has been unofficially banned in the news media and on talk back radio so I think that says it all, yet in spite of this many kiwis still want to believe the govt although their support on this is now waning as the truth comes to the fore. John Griffin

  11. To all nzdsos Docs and friends. From day one i watch you all battle and grow from this horrific journey of lies, deceit and fraud, they set up a fake page to try and get those looking for answers again with trickery. I was there when i watch those signatures climb, which in our darkest days it was a beacon of hope, that i was not alone!
    So again that you so very much from the tippee tops of my heart thank you all so very much, we are keeping up the fight for all. The truth Will set us free, in Gods Graces we GO!

  12. To all nzdsos Docs and friends. From day one i watch you all battle and grow from this horrific journey of lies, deceit and fraud, they set up a fake page to try and get those looking for answers again with trickery. I was there when i watch those signatures climb, which in our darkest days it was a beacon of hope, that i was not alone!
    So again thank you so very much from the tippee tops of my heart thank you all so very much, we are keeping up the fight for all. The truth Will set us free, in Gods Graces we GO!

  13. The last three years and the actions of politicians from all main parties have made it clear that lobbyists are running New Zealand with pharmaceutical lobbyists at the top of the list. This is why none of the main opposition parties are holding the govt to account.
    I have asked quite a few drs if they know colleagues who have neurotoxic reactions and so far all have said yes. And I’ve met drs and specialists who have neurotoxic reactions everytime they have a flu vaccine.

    Yet the vaccine handbook states theres been no recorded harm from the aluminium adjuvant and that vaccines stay in the arm muscle and don’t get distributed around the body.

    So while it’s known by most GPs and psychiatrists that they certainly don’t stay in the arm muscle and regularly cause neurotoxic reactions the fact they aren’t allowed to diagnose it or admit it is criminal.

    This must be addressed!

  14. Here is a thought, it just can’t be possible that in the whole of NZ that we do not have competent lawyers that have sympathy with the injustice that are/were dished out against ethically sound physicians in NZ. What are the possibilities of getting a group of them together and to bring a pro-bono case against the politicians and the heads of government departments in their personal capacity for the mayhem they have caused and to sue them for mental physical and medical harm caused by their actions

  15. You know they are serious when the MoH raids your clinic with the support of police complete with tasers.

  16. “Retired” physician here. The covid cluster fuck was one of the biggest Frauds
    inflicted on my patients since world war one.

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