
NZ Doctors – Truth & Justice?

NZ Doctors
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Are all doctors treated equally and fairly by the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ)? The experiences of some NZ doctors would indicate that this is not the case. We filed a written complaint with the Medical Council board outlining ten points where its chairman, Dr Curtis Walker, breached his professional duty. The Council members replied saying it was a ‘governance matter’ and that they ‘resolved to express their full confidence in the Chair’.

Our role is to protect you [the public] by ensuring doctors are competent and fit to practise.


The MCNZ’s job is to “protect the public”, purportedly. However, rather than this stated goal, the role of the MCNZ now seems to be to ‘maintain public trust and confidence in the profession’. But by what means, and is it deserved, and at what cost?

Our experience indicates that instead of being “independent from…the government” and promoting and encouraging “good medical practice”, the Council members are subservient to national and international edicts, whether knowingly or not. These edicts have caused immeasurable public harm, by any account.   The council collectively, and the doctors on the council individually, are responsible for harm caused.

The Council members chose to look the other way and passed the buck. Doctors of NZDSOS have been investigated and persecuted for asking questions, providing information and discussing science. For most doctors, there have been no patient complaints, nor evidence of harm.  In contrast, there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of communications of appreciation and thanks for our information and our position. 

When we provided the Council members with a 3000 word document, outlining harm, no investigation was undertaken and the MCNZ reported directly back to the Ministry of Health (from which it is meant to be independent).

We contend that the MCNZ is neither independent from the government, nor protecting the public and that the Council members are individually responsible, whether by actively engaging in harm or by willfully turning a blind eye.

Complaint by NZ Doctors SOS

Reply to NZ Doctors SOS

MCNZ Pass the Buck to the Ministry of Health

NZ Doctors Stand Strong in Truth

At times it seems we are prevailing, at times it seems less obvious. However, the truth will out and justice will be served. They can try shutting us down, persecuting and silencing doctors and ignoring the harms, but the longer the ruse is continued, the worse it will be for those who looked the other way.

At NZDSOS, we question “the science’, the government narratives, and ourselves – to stay grounded. We continue to speak up for the truth. Thank you for standing with us.

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  1. The council is actively working to harm the NZ public.
    Eventually we, the public, and you will prevail and the lack of integrity by these cowards will come back and bite them.

    1. Thank you to all the courageous doctors who have taken a stance against this delusion that has blinded it seems a large percentage of the population. Truth will prevail !

    2. I suggest NZDOS set up a medical council based upon what the now ‘compliant council’ has failed to do.
      I suspect if there was an alternative governing board that ACTUALLY stood for protecting the public many many Dr’s would support it.
      DITCH THE DUMMIES and create a TRUE ‘for the people’ medical council independant of Ministry of health .. labours compliant donkey.

      1. We have, the Wakameninga Health Council. Of course, the MOH took out an injunction which have appealed and just lost. We will plough on, fighting for all Kiwis, whether awake to our peril or not.

  2. When Covid first became a “thing” I made a special appointment to see my then Doctor and ask his opinion on the Pfiser formulation and its potential side effects. I had tabulated a number of very pointed questions which I gave him to consider. After a cursory glance, he threw it in the dustbin and snarled that he “trusted the science”, not this junk! Perhaps I should have told him I was a scientist, but doubt if that would have shaken his arrogance. My questions have all since been verified as valid and accurate. I have now found a REAL doctor who belongs to NZDSOS and understands the incredible evil that is being perpetrated world-wide.

    1. Have you gone back to your original Dr and asked him if he has changed his mind

    2. They need a registry of NZSOS doctors.and rhe areas. I’d be there like a shot if I new of them. Especially those that are also into natural health. Honestly have no faith in rhe medical fraternity after covid. I a way it exposed them becuase their 1st responsibility is the obvious safety of the patient. If they had all objected and rose to the occasion thos nation may well have been in a better place. Even now with absolute factual data agreeing with the conspiracies and their continual denial yet promotion of the jab ( I was recently encouraged to get it ) THE MAJORITY OF SOCIETY has become so woke. They are literaly been primed for the next plandemic coming soon and the evil corrupt WHO taking over. Won’t have long to wait

  3. Thank you so much for your commitment and huge personal efforts for continuing to stand up and question on behalf of us all.

  4. TRUTH, common sense and a drive for JUSTICE will eventually come to those striving for it. There’s a large number of New Zealanders that are still ignorant, or in denial that they have been harmed. That’s okay, we’ll carry that burden until they’re able to cope with the enormity of what’s been done to them and their loved ones. Knowing that we’re right and fighting for humanity will keep us going forward. We are here for a purpose…and we’re shining a light on all that needs to be revealed. Guidance from above and knowing from within. Love and Light.

  5. Keep up the good work, it’s reassuring to know that the evil that is being perpetrated is being fought by those whom are dedicated to protect the public. God Bless you all.

  6. You guys are what us mere mortals depend on to cut thru the BS so feep it up please.

  7. I honestly can’t believe how most of the people are still blindly following the GOVTs narrative with regards to Covid. A friend of mine an ex NZr has rocked up for her winter booster shot recently in Australia, the pharmacist said to her that the annual flu has killed more than COVID19 ever did, yet she still has made that choice to protect her health and anyone around her by getting another shot this winter. ‍♀️Why can the likes of these people see it was ineffective and’s are doing them more harm than good.
    Oh she’s a cancer survivor precovid so she’s doing it to protect her immune system. ‍♀️ I fear for her future.

  8. My Dr ( of 20+ years) was stood down , and hauled before Medical Council , because she chose to care, uphold her oath of “do no harm” and question the mountain of drivel that was being promoted / propagandised from 2020…till the present day. We had lodged an adverse effects report to CARM prior to the 2021 mandate pressures, as I had a significant adverse reaction to a known ingredient in the injections being rolled out/ forced on the public. Yet my exemption was turned down ( twice ) from MOH. She cared, and paid a huge price. MOH refused to accept the science and reality of adverse reactions, and suggested I get jabbed in a hospital…just in case. Their blatant disregard for my health and known risk was mindblowing, but sadly predictable.

  9. Thank you to all the courageous doctors who have taken a stance against this delusion that has blinded it seems a large percentage of the population. Truth will prevail !

  10. I just had covid. Not vaxed. I think that I was more fearful of the fear of it that was conveyed by JA
    In her ‘look at me’ speeches. I looked out for the breathing issues and can honestly state that having a terrible flu with congestion and a cold was actually worse!
    The fear has now gone. I’m glad I’m still a pureblood with my natural health!

  11. I just had covid. Not vaxed. I think that I was more fearful of the fear of it that was conveyed by JA
    In her ‘look at me’ speeches. I looked out for the breathing issues and can honestly state that having a terrible flu with congestion and a cold was actually worse!
    The fear has now gone. I’m glad I’m still a pureblood with my natural health!

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