
Letter to Government Officials Regarding Alarming DNA Contamination of the Covid-19 Injection

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Dear Christopher Luxon, Winston Peters, David Seymour, Chris James, Dr Ayesha Verrall, Dr Shane Reti and Dr Diana Sarfati.

On 13 October we emailed an urgent open letter to you which included evidence of plasmid DNA contamination of the Pfizer vaccine – way above so-called acceptable limits.  

This is an urgent private letter/email to follow up, though we reserve the right to publish it. 

Health Canada has confirmed the presence of exogenous bacterial DNA from the very different process used to mass produce billions of doses (Process Two), as compared to Process One which produced the batches for the clinical trial which was submitted to Medsafe and given provisional consent.

It is our understanding that Medsafe could not do any independent testing of Pfizer vials.

The original paper by McKernan and colleagues is here.  He is one of the presenters at this recent urgent symposium, which we urge you to watch, and which we have summarised in a recent post here. Our initial write-up on the issue is here

Another recent validation paper from Canada is here.

Health Canada has agreed it was unaware of these contaminants. The emergence of the marked differences in the manufacturing process of the mass-produced version ought to have finally provoked a recall of the product. 

In the name of the following small sample of temporally-related and improperly explained deaths following vaccination, from a database of over 800, please move to cease the injections and begin investigations immediately

They all died unexpectedly between 2 hours and 2 weeks after an injection and were previously fit and well. 

Most died from sudden heart attacks, strokes/brain bleeds, blood clots or during sleep.  It is clear that the CARM/MoH/Medsafe/Coronial/SMARS/ISMB pharmacovigilance mechanism is utterly unfit for the purpose of protecting New Zealanders. 

Of course, we are very mindful of any extra distress for loved ones by naming these people, but the “greater good” requires that we move to protect others from more injury and death than the nation has suffered already. 

Felix Helriegel, 13 
Ethan Hall, 12
Max Charles, 13
Kelly Hodges, 32
Liam Ranby, 21
Georgia O’Neill, 23
Tiare Lanigan, 16
Celia Gatt, 13
Louis Amos, 19 
Jane Thompson, 57
Divya Manoj, 31 
Andre Schiker-Francis, 25
Talmadge Handley, 33 
Liam Elliot, 19
Sophie Takimoana Wharamate, 39
Vanessa Abbott, 44 
Blair Williams, 40
Corrina Grant, 46
Amanda Smees, 42 
Darryl Low, 46 
Rob Taipere, 50s 
Sarah Barnes, 46
Faye James, 67
Tama Arapere, 51
Chris Sinclair, 50
Rochelle Matthews, 38
Garret Utting, 30
William Green, 50
Alex Tupou, 53
Ngahau Wikeepa, 50s
Leila Ashby, 13
Daniel Currie, 73
Grant Loney, 65
Elvira Beliak, 64
Alan Hayes, 70s
Yvonne Gardiner, 72
Michael Witehira, 65
Matt Davison, 47
Warwick Filleul, 66
Johnny Martin, 70
Ivan Lorenzen, 71
Paul Marshall, 55
Gaven Blacklow, 58
Stephen Koers, 54
Tony Maurice, 57
Wayne Lee, 58
Chris Dyer, 65
Cyril Mora, 70s
John Payn, 56
Jeffery Howell, 62
Edward Cain, 70
Richard Lucas, 56
Philip Batey, 52
Miranda Kingsbury, 61
George Read, 57
Ray Habgood, 76
Teina Kake, 67
Catherine Metcalf, 61
Rihari Gunn, 60s
Gordon Sander, 63
Helen Karatai, 67
Margaret Adsett, 65
Maxim Perigo, 63
Hayden Shand, 40’s

If relatives or government contact us with clear proof a person died unrelated to the injection we will gladly remove them from the database.

Yours sincerely,

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

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  1. Who were the monsters who let their children get this bioweapon? They should also be held accountable and the sooner the better.

    1. yes prosecuted under the neuremberg code and law
      should include Jacinda Adern, Michael Baker, Ashley Bloomfield.
      plus those complicit in this fraud.

  2. Beg to differ Kim. The true monsters are those that tricked, beguiled and scared the parents. For the rest of their lives, these parents and kids may be wondering what time bombs they might have inside them. Sadly, in the fullness of time most will hold themselves more accountable than ever we can.

  3. The point being that “prosecution”, be it private or public, would be the best way to help unlock this can of monsters. Then the real monsters behind this mass murder of children, the media monsters can be targeted.

  4. Great Letter. Yes I’d agree and many parents didn’t want their kids to get them like myself, however to play sport, or do activities, even get their haircut they needed to take this bioweapon

  5. Will the new government get all the doctors and medical staff who worked for their patients and didn’t tow the covid line back to work . The medical staff who stood up for their beliefs and followed their professional ethics of “do no harm”?

  6. Ngahau Wikeepa was my brother. Apparently he had flu like symptoms prior to getting the jab on a Friday, had trouble breathing by Saturday evening and passed away Sunday morning in his drive way.

    I’m no doctor but I do know 1 and 1 equals 2

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